Forbes: Cancer Miracles

Forbes: Cancer Miracles

Charles Burrows noticed a strange lump on his stomach in the summer of 2005. By November the pain was so bad it felt like a knife was stabbing him in the stomach. A ct scan and a biopsy confirmed Burrows’ worst fears: He had inoperable liver cancer. Few cancers...
European Journal of Immunology

European Journal of Immunology

European Journal of Immunology July 2019 Latest News Is this British dentist a walking cure for cancer? How retired father-of-four, 59, has survived a string of cancers thanks to his unique blood cells which are now destroying other sufferers’ cancer cells too...
Nobel Prize 2018

Nobel Prize 2018

Nobel Prize 2018 Immunotherapy, Professor J. Allison & Professor T. Honjo Latest News ITV REPORT: Could this man hold the key to future cancer treatment? Dr Hull appears on ITV’s This Morning Is this British dentist a walking cure for cancer? How retired...
Breakthrough of the year

Breakthrough of the year

Breakthrough of the year Science Magazine, 2013 Cancer Immunotherapy, T cells on the attack. Latest News ITV REPORT: Could this man hold the key to future cancer treatment? Dr Hull appears on ITV’s This Morning Is this British dentist a walking cure for cancer?...